Like a Mother: An Interview with Sarah-Marie Land of The Golden Fig

Our second interview in the Like a Mother series is with shop owner, teacher, artist and francophile, Sarah-Marie Land. Sarah owns The Golden Fig, a beautifully-curated resale shop in Lafayette Square.

Tell us about The Golden Fig and what it means to you. Also, tell us a bit about your background. 

The Golden Fig is a curated collection of new, pre-loved and vintage women’s clothing. The shop allows me the opportunity to utilize my artistic eye to curate interesting, practical and unique pieces from brands in the United States, as well as Europe, specifically France. I am passionate about offering pieces within the shop that will compliment one as an individual and reflect one’s personality. How you dress can reflect who you are and how you feel; fashion is an art. 

I am a creative, passionate, energetic and driven woman! In addition to owning my own small business, I am the mother of two-year-old Alexander, an avid traveler, artist and a full-time French teacher at The Wilson School. As an artist, I have an eye for detail, design and aesthetics. Traveling the world, educating young individuals, and becoming a mother has made me more open-minded, empathetic, energetic, creative and driven. These are all important traits to possess when building a strong customer base.

Tell us about Alexander. And do you have any pets?

Alexander is my two-year-old, beautiful blue-eyed boy. Seeing life through his eyes is quite possibly the most magical thing I have ever experienced! He has a gentle nature, contagious laugh and is always smiling! His big brother, George, is a blue-heeler and Australian Shepard mix. George is very protective of his little brother Alexander. 

How has motherhood informed your career?

Motherhood has changed many aspects of my life and career for the better. I am more patient and work more effectively. However, finding a good work-life balance often seems overwhelming. I am now on a path in life that is beneficial for Alexander, his future, and the future of our entire family.


What does being an intentional mother mean to you? What about an intentional or conscious business owner?

As an intentional mother, I parent with a loving, caring purpose. How I respond, react and interact with Alexander will help mold how he functions as an individual and with society as a whole. Being an intentional mother means living, being present in the now. It means listening and loving intently. 

As a conscious business owner, I strive to offer products and pre-loved clothing. The resale industry promotes environmental sustainability and increases the longevity and lifespan of textiles and garments; it reduces the need for fast fashion. I strive to find and offer unique pieces that allow for more creative, artistic expression. And I am committed to consuming less and contributing less to landfills. 

How has becoming a mother changed the way you think about your own mother?

I view my own mother in a new light. I am even more grateful for all that she did for me and how she raised me! It is truly hard to understand the love and bond of motherhood until you experience it; it is magical, exhausting and beautiful. My mother, a former La Leche League leader, stayed with us for an entire month after Alexander was born. Having her help with Alexander and around the house was the most magical gift I have ever received. It truly does take a village! 

Your brand and shop are beautifully designed. Talk about the ideas behind that messaging. Does that philosophy extend to other areas of your life? For example, how you dress? Or, how you decorate your home?

I come from a very artistic family and that has resonated with me in how I approach all aspects of life. I have decorated, designed, and curated my living environment and work environment in an artistic, intentional manner. I have been inspired by my travels, specifically in Paris and Tokyo. My living environment is filled with art and collected objects; it is a mix of antiques, modern, and contemporary pieces. The large-scale gold mirror hanging above the fireplace has a Parisian-vibe, which is fitting as a francophile! Almost every object or item in my house has a story and a memory. 

In regards to the shop, a small space really pushes you to think creatively and curate the space well. After having visited Japan, I was inspired by their use of small spaces, the aspect of utilizing space wisely and with a purpose. The white racks allow the clothing to be highlighted--which is arranged in a color palette--and helps to maximize the feeling of square footage. The large-scale mirror reflects the natural light that floods the space. Greenery gives the shop warmth, happiness and positive energy; it provides simplicity as well. 

How has becoming a mother changed the way you feel about fashion? 

Becoming a mother has completely changed the way I feel about fashion for myself! As my lifestyle has completely changed so has my wardrobe, especially with a little one under the age of two. I now find myself asking, “Will this be comfortable for the park? Easy to breastfeed in? Easy to throw on?” I definitely wear jeans and comfortable pants more often than I used to. Mais…c’est la vie, n’est-ce pas!? I like to have stylish tops available for breastfeeding mothers in the shop too!

Tell us about your neighborhood and why you like the city. 

I live in Lafayette Square and absolutely love the neighborhood! It is beautiful, vibrant and full of history. Having a little one and a dog, it is also so wonderful to be able to walk to such an incredible, large-scale park. I love living in and supporting the city of St. Louis.


What's your favorite thing to do with kids in St. Louis?

St. Louis is such a kid-friendly city! We love to go to the zoo, the Museum of Transportation, the Children’s Garden at Missouri Botanical Gardens, and there are a plethora of incredible parks to play at too!

What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

You definitely don’t know the type of mother you will be until you actually experience motherhood. I am still nursing Alexander and he turned two in December; my goal was to nurse him for a year. Motherhood is such an incredible journey! It also brings light to why and how the world functions so differently; we all parent differently.

Share some parenting advice with us or simple philosophies you might have.

Let your child be part of the decision-making progress early-on, even for something as simple as selecting between two shirts in the morning. Lead by example. Be empathetic. Nature is to nurture. And, practice makes progress.

What's some good advice you've been given by a woman? 

I think the best advice I’ve been given by another woman, a fellow mother, is to slow down and enjoy, cherish each moment. 

What excites you about motherhood? What makes you the most nervous? 

Everything! Seeing life through the eyes of your own child is truly magical. Each day holds something new and exciting! The thing that makes me the most nervous about being a mother is not always stepping in if and when someone isn’t nice to my child. Alexander has such a gentle nature.

Can you name a few mother or women icons you have?

My mother, for raising, staying home with and nursing two girls! Ami Vitale, a National Geographic photographer whom I worked with in Prague in 2017 (Nat Geo Student Expeditions) while pregnant with Alexander. She is such an incredible, strong, and humble woman! Annie Ernaux, a French writer. Sophie Calle, a French artist. Marion Cotillard, a French actress and environmentalist.

What advice would you give a budding entrepreneur?

Stay positive, believe in yourself and have a vision!

What's next for The Golden Fig? Tell us a bit about the shop moving and future goals.

The Golden Fig just recently moved to Park Ave. in Lafayette Square. It is so exciting to be in my neighborhood! The shop is in a smaller space but that challenges me even more to curate things well. The new space is also a dual-purpose space with Acosta Hair Design. Book an appointment and you will have private access to the shop. What does the future hold? I am toying around with the idea of The Mini Golden Fig popping up in the near future…


Thank you so much, Sarah-Marie!
You can visit The Golden Fig on Facebook and Instagram.
Read our first Like a Mother interview with Lisa Dolan of LARK Skin Co. here.

All photos by Sarah-Marie Land.